The Finance Committee oversees the weekly offerings collection, coordinates budget preparation and sets accounting procedures for the church. We follow the Lord’s teaching by practicing prudence in all our financial activities.
STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEEThis committee aims to create and encourage conscientious givers who understand how God operates in our lives by enabling us to give and serve others. We strive to be Christ-centered stewards during our regular and annual appeals for funds by inviting a spirit of unity anchored on the premise that a parish should strive to debt-free and financially prudent. Along with the Finance Committee, this committee organizes fund- raising activities throughout the year to support a number of church programs.
The Property and Development Committee oversees and maintains the parish facilities and, under the Diocese guidelines, plans and executes capital improvements of the church, rectory, parking lots and driveways.
SOCIAL COMMITTEEThe Social Committee is responsible for the organization, preparation, serving and cleanup of various parish social events as requested. Parish volunteers are called frequently for donations of food, as well as service hours.
The welcome committee is responsible for greeting people as they arrive at church. Its members distribute liturgy material and serve as ushers to accommodate the needs of our guests.